Det-Tronics- Carrier Corporate

Flame Detector Accessories and Spares

How can our accessories help?

Det-Tronics offers several accessories and spare parts that help you get the most from each of your detectors. 

software-screen-imageFlame Inspector Software: When used with a PC, this software allows access to flame detector status conditions, stored data logs and detailed diagnostic information. The software also allows configuration of detector sensitivity, heated-optics settings, auxiliary relays and more.

laser-aimer-holder-timerAlignment: Take the guesswork out of detector alignment and optimizing field of view (FOV) coverage. The Q1201A Laser Aimer and Q1201C identify the center and edges of the detector's FOV, allowing you to align the detector with the area you need to protect.

universal-air-shield-assemblyMaintenance: Reduce the need to manually clean optics in areas with airborne contamination. Available air shields use sintered diffusers to direct an instrument grade air supply of 5 to 30 psi (depending upon model) to help prevent paint overspray and fine materials from collecting on the optics.

q1130-imageInstallation: Rugged, flexible mounting options simplify installation, reducing costs. A variety of configurations are available in both aluminum and stainless steel. Options include arm mounts (Q9033B, for instance), flange mounts (Q1130, for example) and more.

q2000-weather-shieldEnvironmental protection: Extremes in your site's weather can impact the effectiveness of your detectors. Protect them with weather shields (thermal, rain and sun), field of view (FOV) limiters and more.

How can our spares help?

Having spares of essential parts can mean shorter device downtimes and easier maintenance and calibration efforts. Spare parts may be as simple as the right grease for detector mount joints, calibration magnets and mounts. 

Options vary by detector, so please contact your authorized local sales representative for complete information on compatibility, availability and cost.


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